The Beck Group assists clients by serving in various leadership roles. For example, one Beck staff member has served as executive director of an industry organization and as a member of the board of directors for companies and forestry organizations.
SOTIA Executive Director—Steve Courtney recently served as the executive director of the Southern Oregon Timber Industry Association (SOTIA) during a period of leadership transition for the organization. In that role, Steve worked to promote SOTIA’s key goals of providing a unified voice the timber industry on issues related to forest management and the operation of forest products businesses. Steve also worked to target new member companies to the organization, keep the SOTIA website updated, and organize SOTIA member events.
Beck staff helped successfully guide this client through a transitional time in the organization’s leadership.
Board Membership for a Tribal Lumber Business—After assisting the White Mountain Apache Tribe in the restart of its sawmill operations that were idled during the Great Recession (2008 – 2010), The Beck Group founder and Chairman Tom Beck was asked to become a member of a newly established, independent board of directors for its sawmilling business. Mr. Beck served as a board member for 11 years, including 10 years as Vice Chair.
Mr. Beck has also served on the Board of Advisors for a sawmill equipment supplier and has assisted many forest products companies with their strategic planning efforts in his 50+ years in the forest products consulting business. Tom has also served as a Board member and Chairman within his church and is currently Chairman of the Board and Treasurer for Good Samaritan Ministries, a large non-profit headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon.
Small Organization Leadership—Roy Anderson, Beck Group Vice President, has served on the board of directors and as president of the Oregon Woodland Co-op – a group of small landowners who work together to assist each other in marketing forest products from their family-owned forestlands. Similarly, Roy has served as an advisory council member to the Oregon State University’s Wood Innovation Center and the Tallwood Design Institute.
Beck consultants have all held leadership positions in the industry and can utilize this varied experience to provide input in group leadership settings, both for- and non-profit.