The Beck Group, since its inception in 1981, has worked with numerous forest products firms throughout North America and in many other parts of the world on a wide variety of projects. Clients have included major forest products companies, independent producers, government agencies, financial institutions, private equity firms, legal firms, timberland owners/investors, electric utilities, trade associations, engineering firms, machinery manufacturers and Native American tribes. Here is a sampling of our past clients listed by geographic region.
United States
Ancora Management LLC
Alta Forest Products
Bertram Capital
Big Sky Shavings
Boise Cascade
Boise Inc.
Borough of Ketchikan
Bradford Conrad Crow
Buse Timber
C&D Lumber
Cascade Hardwoods
Cerberus Capital
Chester Plywood
Chiron Capital
Clackamas County Oregon
Claude Howard
Lumber Company
Coastal Lumber
Coastal Plywood
Cobank CCB
Collins Pine Company
Columbia Plywood
Colville Indian Precision Pine
Colville Indian Plywood
And Veneer
Composite Panel Association
Crest Company
Darby Lumber
Datsopoulos, Macdonald
& Lind, PC
Davidson Industries
Decker Energy
Deer Lodge Sawmill
Delson Lumber
U.S. Department Of Justice
Dovetail Inc.
D. R. Johnson
Duke Energy
E3 Consultants
Eastern Montana Biomass
Task Force
Electric Power Research Institute
Elliott Sawmilling Company
Eureka, MT Rural Development
Exponent, Inc.
Farm Credit Services
Forest Economic Advisors
Fitzgerald Plywood
Floragon Forest Products
Forest Capital Partners
Forest Concepts
Forest Energy
Fort Apache Timber Company
Future Forests LLC
Gateway Forest Products
GE Capital
Gerson Lehman Group
Gilman Building Products
GK Capital
Glawson Investments
Global Forest Partners
Green Diamond Timber
Green Crow
Greenwood Industries
Greenwood Resources
Gulf Lumber
GWF Power
Hampton Affiliates
Hamstreet & Associates
Hardwood Manufacturers Association
Harrigan Lumber
Harris Group
Hood Industries
Houlihan Lokey
Huber Engineered Wood
Hunter Douglas
Idaho Dept. Of Revenue
Industrial Economics
Interfor Pacific
Intermountain Roundwood Association
International Paper
Jicarilla Apache Tribe
Keweenaw Land Association
Key Knife
KH2A Engineering
Kingfish Group
Klamath Biomass
Konkolville Lumber Company
Kootenai River Development Corporation
Lone Rock Timber
Longview Fibre
Lyme Timber
RoyOMartin - Martco
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Matsu (Anchorage, AK)
Mead Westvaco
Midway United Ltd
Joe N. Miles & Sons, Inc.
Montana Manufacturers Assoc.
The Murphy Company
Nature Conservancy
New South, Inc
North American Flooring Manufacturers Association
North Florida Lumber
Northwest Farm Credit Services
Northwestern Energy
Okanogan Community Dev
Olympic Resource Management
Oregon Department of Energy
Oregon Economic Community
Oregon Forest
Resources Institute
Pope & Talbot
Port Blakely Timber
Port of Grays Harbor
Potlatch Corporation
Potomac Supply
Pyramid Mountain Lumber
Rayonier Inc.
Riley Creek Lumber
Rosboro Lumber
Roseburg Forest Products
San Carlos Apache Tribes
Scotch Lumber
Sealaska Corporation
Sector 3 Appraisals
Seminole Investment
Sierra Cedar Products
Sierra Pine Corporation
Siletz Tribe
Simpson Timber Company
Sitka Conservation Society
Skamania County
South Coast Lumber
Southern Lumber
Southern Oregon University
Spanish Trail Lumber
Stimson Lumber
Suwanee Lumber
Swanson Group
Texas Pacific Group
The Harris Group
The Nature Conservancy
The Parton Group
The Price Companies
Thelen Reid & Priest
Tillamook PUD
Timberland Investment
Tolleson Lumber
Treesource Industries
Tricon Timber
Trust For Public Lands
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Department of
Natural Resources
Valley Bio Energy, LLC
Warm Springs Forest Products
Welco Lumber
West Coast Forest Products
Westerveldt Lumber
Weyerhaeuser Company
Wood Resources, LLC
Yakama Forest Products
Zip-O Log Mills
Grant Forest Products
Timber West
UMA Engineering Voyageur Panel
West Fraser Timber
Evans Products
Central & South America
Ardan International
CMPC Maderas
Forestal Minico
Instituto Forestal
Energie Verde
Other Countries
Emachu (Japan)
Fiji Trade Commission (Fiji)
Midway United (Russia)
Runar Garveyv (Russia)
URS Forestry (New Zealand)
Yorkor Timber (South Africa)
Samling Corporation (Malaysia)