Mr. Beck has more than fifty years of experience in the forest products industry. He has worked with more than 200 forest products operations throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
Mr. Beck serves as Project Manager for major solid wood products planning projects. He has assisted companies with forming long-term, multi-facility development plans, as well as directed feasibility studies for individual plants (modernization and new construction). He also manages projects in the areas of timber valuation and timber procurement planning, marketing, business planning, business valuation, small wood utilization, operational improvement planning, and economic development.
He has extensive experience in Competitive Assessments of solid wood products facilities, operational audits and profit improvement programs, and has assisted with mill start-ups following modernization and/or new construction. He has managed many projects which have led to major profit improvements.
Mr. Beck serves as a business advisor to various forest products companies and equipment suppliers, assisting in long range planning and the evaluation of specific business opportunities, as well as in day-to-day business decisions. He also has served as an expert witness in several forest products-related matters.
His past employment includes President of and partner in Dubal, Beck & Associates, the founding of T. L. Beck and Associates and the position of Vice President and Director of Consulting Services for another forest products consulting firm. He has also worked in various capacities for both a major forest products company and an independent wood products producer.
In addition, Mr. Beck has three years of experience as an officer in the U.S. Navy, including assignment as Chief Engineer aboard a U.S. Navy ship.
B.S. FOREST PRODUCTS, Oregon State University, (1969)
M.B.A. FOREST INDUSTRIES MANAGEMENT, University of Oregon, (1973)
Forest Products Society